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Meet ELLA Lesbian Festival DJ Hannelore von der Vogelwippe

Hannelore von der Vogelwippe


Hannelore Von der Vogelwippe | DJane | Munich, Germany

Tell us about yourself

My Name is Isabel Eichinger alias Hannelore von der Vogelwippe. I’m 30 years old, I’m a DJane and I play the bass guitar in a girl band called “Allison Square Garden”. Oh and by the way, we rock!

You can usually find me hanging out with friends, partying, working and listening to good music.

I plan to have an amazing time at the Ella Festival and will probably spend my entire payoff in good drinks and nice ladies.

The most exciting part for me will be playing my favorite song titles for you guys. I am looking forward to watching you all enjoy the music and rock the dance floor!

Many thanks to you girls for all your support over the last two years and for making things happen once again in 2015!

What are 4 random things about you?

I never worked in my field of studies, so my diplomas merely decorates my bathroom walls. Nowadays I hustle in the film business!

I didn’t pass the kindergarten swimming or the bicycle license.

My former teenage punk band from when I was 15 gave me the name of Hannelore von der Vogelwippe. The translation of it would be something like bird on a teeter-totter.

Sometimes I go out in my pyjamas!

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