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Lesbian Travel Adventurer makes having fun a priority

Amanda Poynter #IamELLA

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Amanda Poynter, Dana Point, California, USA

#iamELLA because…. I am moved to create meaning and purpose in my life as a lesbian traveler, outdoor adventurer, writer, and actress. Having fun is a priority and daily ritual! (Who says you can’t have fun every day, am I right?) I'm pursuing my dream of travelling the world with my partner and puppy in order to share radical stories of love, equality, and adventure through our brand LesTravels. I grew up in the sunny suburbs of south Orange County,CA. Since age 18, I have traveled to 15 countries, nurtured my need for adrenaline through extreme sports, sustained five concussions from said extreme sports, learned guitar, created a youth skateboarding program in Australia, came out at 23,  found the love of my life at 30, scored my first lead role in a film, and got paid to skateboard in high heels…twice!

#iamELLA porque… Lo que impulsa mi vida es darle un sentido y esto lo consigo viajando, realizando deportes de aventura, escribiendo o actuando.

Mi mensaje para otras mujeres lesbianas es “ Rodéate de gente que saque lo mejor de ti, abraza tus fortalezas y no tengas miedo a caer. Recuerda que hay una comunidad de mujeres que te apoyan.”

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Surround yourself with people who bring out the bright light inside of you. Cherish your unique talents and strengths, and when you feel afraid, remember this community of women who has your back.


INSTAGRAM: @lestravelstv

YOUTUBE: LesTravels

TWITTER: @lestravelstv

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